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Apply if your joining a person

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If you are joining a person of North Ireland:

If you are a family member of a person of Northern Ireland, you can apply for an EU settlement family permit.
The eligibility of the family member of Northern Ireland:

You must be the British, Irish national, or dual nationality f British and Irish. You are born in Northern Ireland and one parent of you has British, Irish, and dual national of both (British and Irish) at the time of your Birth. You are living in the UK and constantly living from 31st December 2020. You have pre-settled and settled status. Your family member includes husband, wife, civil partner, unmarried partner, dependent parents, or child,

Child or grandchild
must be under 21 years of age and adoption which must be under the UK law. If it is not possible for you to come back to the UK before 31st December 2020, you must have some valid and compassionate reasons. You must have the documents that are proof of your family member belongs to Northern Ireland, your Identity evidence, and your family member dependency proof. Application for EU settlement family permit is online and applied from outside the UK.